I am a Year 8 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 10 and my teacher is Ms Aireen.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Dine & Dance

Thursday, 1 December 2016
My letter to Cathy

Well today me and my class has made a card for the staff members that worked at the camp that worked there when we went there for camp my camp letter goes out to cathy because i just like the way she had treated us like her own and she always was happy to see us and she always had compassion and she always had a beautiful song or grace for us.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Camp Highlight
Last week me and my class room 10 and 9 went to a camp called raglan if you want to know more about of what happened you can go through my slide of highlights and It will tell some of the activities that we did.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Monday, 28 November 2016
Diamond Poem
Nervous & Shy
Waiting Laughing Giggling
Standing Smiling
Diamond Poem
Sweety & Filthy
Talking Snoring Sleeping
Exhausted and Weak
Diamond Poem
Cool & Calm
Talking Laughing Shots
Smiling & Holding
Camp Before & After

But after camp and during camp it was really great. Because I got to do many things like go on the Flying Fox and do Air Rifles and Archery. This week was totally cool and I felt great about going and I wanted to stay there because the people were so generous to us and other meals were very delightful and I am so grateful that our teacher Mrs Aireen planned this for us and I really liked camp.
And last week I really learned somthing that don't think about the negatives think about the positives and maybe your really like it just like me I tried and hey look I really liked it and it was really great and now I have a really great mindset.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Celebrating me
Today we ... Learnt why it's important to celebrate, why is it important to embrace our achievements and our uniqueness.
I am worthy to be celebrate because.... I am a generous person and I have many differences and I have many cultures and many looks that make me worthy to be celebrate, I have many unique ways of doing things like playing ping pong while going on my phone and different other things.
My classmates described my strengths as being brainy in my learning and being good and being good at playing basketball and another one was that i'm great at being strong because I am able to lift up heavy objects.
It is important to recognize value in yourself because if you have no value in yourself you would not be able to recognize other people and even your own self your just be to blind to see what's coming because you're not recognizing your own self.
I feel very happy because i never thought that this much people actually cared about me and actually recognized me and I didn’t know that i cared to them and that they had feeling’s for me.
Friday, 11 November 2016
Class Camp Activity
Today me and my class buddy up with room 9 and we spoke about our camp trip, we are going to go to camp on the 22nd of November and and will finish on the 25th or 26th i'm not sure. But today we talked about how are we going to Participate and contribute, well some of the ideas were that we create opportunities for others, Being actively involved in learning, making connections with others, bonding together, balancing rights and roles and responsibilities, Contributing appropriately as a group member. and the other question was Relating to others some of the answers were cooperating in learning, Interacting effectively,Working together effectively, Remaining open to new learning, Working together with a range of people, listen effectively.
Monday, 31 October 2016
Diwali Celebartions
Today me and my brother Boisi wrote all about diwali and we asked many question like what is diwali about? and i answered that it is about the festival of lights and it is about good and no evil and its about peace and no angry emotions just happy emotions.
Celebration Poster
This is one of my celebration poster that I made this poster was all about of how much I know about celebration's well three of them are the most important one of them is my birthday then christmas the last not lease is new years i like these celebration because we celebrate it as a family.
Celebration vocabulary
Today we did our celebration vocabulary task we just but special activity and special words that suit celebrations ine of them were Birthdays and halloween I wrote about many things like Party, Food, performances and many more.
Today me and my class made a celebration brainstorm with different questions and we had to answer it with our information that we got from the internet one of the questions is that why do we celebrate? and I said well we celebrate to congratulate someone of doing somthing special or have somthing special like a birthday.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Tamaki Improvement Brainstorm
Today we have done an activity about these 2 main special key idead and how we can improve on how we can make a better school.
What makes tamaki special ?
Tamaki is special because of all the things that they do for us like our learning and our other things I think it is special because of how the student leaders are role models for our pairs and how they to breakfast for the people that are here early and how we have lots of things like activities like kiwi sport, kiwi can, camp and different tournament and I do know that It is special because of how the teachers look after us and trust me if you had stayed here for 4 years like me you would never want to ever leave.
How can we make tamaki a better place?
Well I think that they could renovate a new hall because of how our school is becoming big and how everyday new student enrolls, we could have a senior park for us seniors instead of going on the junior park more sports equipment so when we go to tournament we have something to use and we could use a new guy for fitness if anyone has nothing to do they can go and work out.
What makes tamaki special ?
Tamaki is special because of all the things that they do for us like our learning and our other things I think it is special because of how the student leaders are role models for our pairs and how they to breakfast for the people that are here early and how we have lots of things like activities like kiwi sport, kiwi can, camp and different tournament and I do know that It is special because of how the teachers look after us and trust me if you had stayed here for 4 years like me you would never want to ever leave.
How can we make tamaki a better place?
Well I think that they could renovate a new hall because of how our school is becoming big and how everyday new student enrolls, we could have a senior park for us seniors instead of going on the junior park more sports equipment so when we go to tournament we have something to use and we could use a new guy for fitness if anyone has nothing to do they can go and work out.
Friday, 14 October 2016
One minute speeches
This week speeches have been great for my class some of us presented the same subjects my subject was about monkeys my other one was about church now today my speech is about mobile phones I talked about the negatives and the positives some of the negatives are that on facebook people can hack you phone and write bad stuff and say bad things to your family and ruin your relationships or they could start a roumier, the positives are that if you are on facebook or you have credit you can message your family and keep in touch from all around the world.
Where does Medicines come from?
Today our whole class got a book to read and my one was about medicines there are many medicines that come from around the world like the papyrus the ancient scroll of medicine from ancient Egypt another thing is that medicine can come from the most venomous snakes like the inland taipan snake one of the most venomous and deadliest snakes in the world another interesting thing is that laughter is medicine they say that if you watch a funny program you will eventually stop being saw or having problems one more medicine is that you can get your medicine from plants many plants like plants that you could fin in the amazon or in you country
Monday, 10 October 2016
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Today Maths was great because we were being supervised by miss Pine and by miss Sharma and each group got a problem each me and my group got a problem and it was that you had to share 8 bars of chocolate shared between 5 children so then we had eight whole bars that had five pieces then we took away 5 whole bar and then after that we had 3 bars left over then we divide them in to 5 pieces and then we shared it out so everyone had a equal share and the bars that they each got was 1 3/5 and the and the question was 8 divided by 5 and that equals 1 3/5 and thats your answer.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Tragic Day
I sit here a wait with sadness and hate
For my father and mother have died of their chosen fate,
Blood slowly spills on the mud,
I sit with silence and no sound as I watch my parents lay on the ground,
I pray for my parents and the dead for I think this could be the end,
I see people's blood splattered on the wall and people's organs on the floor,
I hear BANG BANG BANG and I can hear people getting stabbed,
Blood boiled black as the bullets penetrated their skin,
The guns bullets burst out like turning a light on and off,
people souls gone to a safe place,
washed away for they can never live another day,
as the sun skips across the sky many more soldiers dye.
Friday, 15 April 2016
What Makes Me Confident
WALT Define confidence
This task is about things that make me happy and confident and one of them is important to me is called Peace it's important to me because it involves heaps of Love, Kindness, Generosity, Happiness. Another value is Love because people are full of Love and there is Peace in the air and no arguments and no fights between Families and Friends or in Public and mostly your Parents.
But one of them I need to work on is Self control because I can lose it when i'm in a argument or when i'm playing touch or when i'm playing different sports or when i'm being mocked by People for what I wear or what I do wrong.Another reason is because people get angry for me letting down their team.
The value that I have improved on is Faith because I have been encouraged by my church and my teacher and when i'm feeling down I have a Faith in me that I can do anything that's in my way and I can be able to fulfill my life with positivity and to become anyone my heart desires like to be a Doctor or a Layer.
The value i'm good at is Pride I have Pride around my family and public and friends i'm proud to be Samoan and Tongan and I say it out loud i'm really lucky I am this culture I don't know what I would do if i wasn't i don't no what I would be doing.
The value im not go at is being Fearless no matter how i try to be confident I can't because i so terrified inside that I want to scream out loud till i can't no more because there's so many thing that are scary out there like many people or things or animals or things to do that no one can do or do risk their life but I will get there someday.
One more thing is company I like company because i'm able to make people happy like my family and i'm able to have fun with the people that I love and to bond with them to make a connection or to make them happy and have a positive attitude instead of making them cry or feel down in a negative way.
Another thing is that i'm realy positive when i'm around people you may not know me but when you got the chance to realize you will like me and I can make so many people laugh and have a great time and to make them have a positive attitude instead of a wrong and negative one.
When i'm with crowds I can be polite or when i'm with my family or in public or when i'm with my friends I friends I can be so many things like say i'm proud of my culture or to be happy that im a positive when it comes to my friend or when im at school I can show growth mindset to solve problems or when im feeling down.
Also I am able to put myself out there and i'm not afraid to put my team up and to always have self confidence so I don't lose myself in the game or when i'm playing another sport plus im always positive with other people in my team and im not afraid to show it and I always put my heart out there.
Another reason why im a positive person is because I love my whole family with all my heart and I because they have been so supportive to me and they are always positive around me and my cousins they help me with homework they help me when im struggling they help me when i'm feeling down or when im not having a great time.
When i'm at home I always show initiative to help my mum with work at home like to clean the lounge or clean my room or to help my brother with his learning and to make sure is reading progress is positive or to make sure my siblings are alright.
When im at school I get in trouble but I learn from it i'm always the person to get in trouble sometimes but i learn from that and i look up to my teacher because she hard on us because she wants to prepare us for college in case we fail and not get anywhere in life.
When im around the family I can be a goofy person but they love me for how I am and that makes me really confident and I love them back I don't know what I would be doing I could of have not gone to school have no job or have no career or a future so that's why I love my family and they love me and that's why i'm the person that i'm today.
When i'm in public I show a good reputation like when im at church and im in front of the how church saying my testimony or when im at a basketball game I show many different things that light up some people and they can always seem to like me around like my friends and my family.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Freedom for all
This is a poem based on a game called Freedom Fighters.
I am proud of my poem because I am inspired by my Great Grandfather.
Monday, 4 April 2016
New Maths Learning
Today we were looking thougth our fractions and learning about the nominator and the denominator and we learned that a quarter means four and third means 3 half means 2 hole means 1 and we did a text of how we had to share the cake between 4 people because it was kate's 20th birthday and the answer is a quarter, then after that we had to share divide 20 candles into four cakes and the answer is five.
WALT:Solve problems Like this using fractions and how to divide stuff
observation with the teacher
WALT:Use inferring and visualising to understand the text that the author is talking about
Today we were learned about inferring and visualising and how it can help you understand the situation in the text and we got a task to do and we had to think of what the author was talking about
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Tero Maori Survey
Resource sheet 3A: Survey
Complete this table by writing in the responses of your classmates to the questions.
Ingoa:____________Andre Matekuolava___________________________
Pātai 1:
Āhea koe wehe mai ai?
Pātai 2:
Mā hea koe haere mai ai? |
| |||||||
Pātai 3:
Āhea koe tae mai ai?
Tero Maori Survey
Resource sheet 3B: Survey
Complete this table by filling in the responses to your classroom survey.
Ingoa |
Pātai 1
Pātai 2
Pātai 3
| |
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Friday, 4 March 2016
Brainstorm about why we need language
WALT to ask why we need languages
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Friday, 26 February 2016
TPS Fun Day
On Thursday 25 February our school Tamaki Primary had a fun day First everyone had to go to class after morning tea to get there green band so that they know that they can go on the activities.After we got our bands we had to go outside and sit under the tree to eat our lunch before the fun day begins.Not long ago after we ate our lunch we had to go and wait in line for our sausages and ice blocks.
Then we went off back to sit under the tree and we had our sausages and ice blocks then miss Kelly our principal leads us of to do whatever we want to do there were six activities one was the bouncy castle, second was the water slide next was softball fourth was vollyball fifth was hug a tree and six was spongebob squeeze.
First I went to the slide and it was great and very very hot then it became cold and it was cool.Second I went and played volleyball and it was fun and a little boring then I went to softball and played for a while and then I went wild and squirted everyone with water.
After a couple of hours we went and sat under the big tree next to the garden then we went to the same place where we went to the tree where we sat in the first place then we got to go home.

Thursday, 25 February 2016
Tamaki college Tech
Tamaki College tech was great because we got to see the example of the of the necklace that's made of pewter metal.It was awesome because we got to do our design my design was about my grandmama and how she loved to go church and how she like's me over.
Sincerely Andre.M
Sincerely Andre.M
Thursday, 18 February 2016
Tamaki Collge Tech
Wow technology was so awesome we were learning about the steel metal could pewter and its values the price of one bar of pewter was about 250$ and he was talking about who would we make a neck list for someone you admire, And i chose my grandma.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
My Online Profile
Talofalava my name is Andre and im 12 years old I live in Auckland and I am for Tamaki Primary and im a year 8 in room 10.My teachers is Mrs Arieen and my teacher aid is Kelly.My favorite subject is Maths Reading and Writing.The sport that I like playing is Touch and Volley ball.My favorite food is sushi and hot food.My strengths are lots of thing like Writing Reading and Spelling.Im looking forward to Technology this year because we are learning at Tamaki College.People I admire are my Grandparents because they help me and my Parents.
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