On Thursday 25 February our school Tamaki Primary had a fun day First everyone had to go to class after morning tea to get there green band so that they know that they can go on the activities.After we got our bands we had to go outside and sit under the tree to eat our lunch before the fun day begins.Not long ago after we ate our lunch we had to go and wait in line for our sausages and ice blocks.
Then we went off back to sit under the tree and we had our sausages and ice blocks then miss Kelly our principal leads us of to do whatever we want to do there were six activities one was the bouncy castle, second was the water slide next was softball fourth was vollyball fifth was hug a tree and six was spongebob squeeze.
First I went to the slide and it was great and very very hot then it became cold and it was cool.Second I went and played volleyball and it was fun and a little boring then I went to softball and played for a while and then I went wild and squirted everyone with water.
After a couple of hours we went and sat under the big tree next to the garden then we went to the same place where we went to the tree where we sat in the first place then we got to go home.