WALT Define confidence
This task is about things that make me happy and confident and one of them is important to me is called Peace it's important to me because it involves heaps of Love, Kindness, Generosity, Happiness. Another value is Love because people are full of Love and there is Peace in the air and no arguments and no fights between Families and Friends or in Public and mostly your Parents.
But one of them I need to work on is Self control because I can lose it when i'm in a argument or when i'm playing touch or when i'm playing different sports or when i'm being mocked by People for what I wear or what I do wrong.Another reason is because people get angry for me letting down their team.
The value that I have improved on is Faith because I have been encouraged by my church and my teacher and when i'm feeling down I have a Faith in me that I can do anything that's in my way and I can be able to fulfill my life with positivity and to become anyone my heart desires like to be a Doctor or a Layer.
The value i'm good at is Pride I have Pride around my family and public and friends i'm proud to be Samoan and Tongan and I say it out loud i'm really lucky I am this culture I don't know what I would do if i wasn't i don't no what I would be doing.
The value im not go at is being Fearless no matter how i try to be confident I can't because i so terrified inside that I want to scream out loud till i can't no more because there's so many thing that are scary out there like many people or things or animals or things to do that no one can do or do risk their life but I will get there someday.
One more thing is company I like company because i'm able to make people happy like my family and i'm able to have fun with the people that I love and to bond with them to make a connection or to make them happy and have a positive attitude instead of making them cry or feel down in a negative way.
Another thing is that i'm realy positive when i'm around people you may not know me but when you got the chance to realize you will like me and I can make so many people laugh and have a great time and to make them have a positive attitude instead of a wrong and negative one.
When i'm with crowds I can be polite or when i'm with my family or in public or when i'm with my friends I friends I can be so many things like say i'm proud of my culture or to be happy that im a positive when it comes to my friend or when im at school I can show growth mindset to solve problems or when im feeling down.
Also I am able to put myself out there and i'm not afraid to put my team up and to always have self confidence so I don't lose myself in the game or when i'm playing another sport plus im always positive with other people in my team and im not afraid to show it and I always put my heart out there.
Another reason why im a positive person is because I love my whole family with all my heart and I because they have been so supportive to me and they are always positive around me and my cousins they help me with homework they help me when im struggling they help me when i'm feeling down or when im not having a great time.
When i'm at home I always show initiative to help my mum with work at home like to clean the lounge or clean my room or to help my brother with his learning and to make sure is reading progress is positive or to make sure my siblings are alright.
When im at school I get in trouble but I learn from it i'm always the person to get in trouble sometimes but i learn from that and i look up to my teacher because she hard on us because she wants to prepare us for college in case we fail and not get anywhere in life.
When im around the family I can be a goofy person but they love me for how I am and that makes me really confident and I love them back I don't know what I would be doing I could of have not gone to school have no job or have no career or a future so that's why I love my family and they love me and that's why i'm the person that i'm today.
When i'm in public I show a good reputation like when im at church and im in front of the how church saying my testimony or when im at a basketball game I show many different things that light up some people and they can always seem to like me around like my friends and my family.